Precinct Location
Neutral Precinct Meetings
Neutral Precinct meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month (excluding January) at 19.00 at the Neutral Bay Club. Most meetings are about 1.5 hours long.
The meetings are held at the Neutral Bay Club, which is at 3 Westleigh Street, Neutral Bay (next to Libery Park). Westleigh Street is at the Southern end of Barry Street, which runs next to the Fire Station and Neutral Bay Post Office. The Neutral Bay Club is a four minute walk South from Neutral Bay Post Office.
Precinct Boundary
Our Precinct roughly is South of Military Road, East of the Freeway, West of Wycombe Road and North of Kurraba Road. Our map is here, Neutral Precinct, and the full Precinct maps at Council are here, Precincts. If you find yourself in an adjoining area with an inactive Precinct please feel free to come to our meetings.
Neutral Bay name
Neutral Bay was named by Governor Arthur Phillip, when he decreed in 1789 that all non-British ‘neutral‘ ships visiting Port Jackson were to anchor there. This was due to the fact that transport was so slow that no one could be sure if Australia was at war with the visiting ships, so they were asked to moor out of cannon range in the “Neutral” bay.
In 1884, architect Walter Liberty Vernon (1846-1914) leased a large parcel of land in Neutral Bay, for his home (“Penshurst”), and started the Neutral Bay Land Company to develop houses. Vernon was an Alderman and Mayor of the Borough of East St Leonards, and was the New South Wales Government Architect from 1890 to 1911.